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September 17, 2005


Major Tom

Clearly, the whole fiasco is one for the movies. I never thought such spiral of deceit in mistrust could happen in real life. But it did.

The PDI report was truly revelatory despite the oldness of the Garci issue.


cool blog man.....like ur views on films, and the music u listen to are good. u myt wanna check out my site:

Carlos P. Celdran

Long time no post. I hope all is ok?


Hi Carlos

Thanks for the kind thoughts. Everything is fine, I’m just not sure whether I want to carry on (with the blog that is). My new job involves me staring at a computer screen almost uninterrupted for up to 12 hours a day—the thought of more staring after hours fills me with despair.

Nevertheless, two days posting in September was a pretty pathetic effort. As people like you have been kind enough to notice my absence I should give it another go.

Torn. Frayed. And almost gone.


job involves me staring at a computer screen almost uninterrupted for up to 12 hours a day—the thought of more staring after hours fills me with despair. --> disturbingly familiar..

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