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October 02, 2006



My score said: Hopeless. Might as well toss a coin. I got 4/18


I'm also in the 'coin toss' range (5/18) - in an area where i thought i would do well. I only got one of the women right.


Drats. 8/10 only for me!!


Drats. 8/18 rather, which is a worse percentage.


I'm so ashamed -- got a 9. I think I need to move back to where there's more diversity among my neighbors. :(


7/10 Very bad report card!


Now if it were a test on whether they were Pinoy, Thai, Malaysian or Indonesian, I'd ace it. (I'd be 99% sure if they were Pinoy anyway, I think..)

Willy B Prilles, Jr.

"Very bad" as well. Only 7/18.


8/18. Bad. Above the average of 6 out of 18 though.
A lot easier to distinguish when people start talking, then it's easy to tell them apart. I couldn't figure out whether the funky hairdo meant the person was Japanese lol.


I thought the ones with the funky hairdos were "trick questions" like, "I look Japanese but I'm not" so I thought they might be Korean. Turns out, they WERE Japanese. That's what I get for over-analyzing.

loony in Barnsley

I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! I got a pathetic 6 out of 18, whereas my totally clueless (as far as I'm aware) Anglo-Saxon husband (who usually calls ALL Asians V.C. - jokingly one would hope) 7/18! I think they got the most un-Japanese/Korean/Chinese folks to model for it! I'm usually bang on with these things, heck I even bragged about it on one of my previous posts!


11/18 for me and I'm an Ugly Caucasian (United States of) American


crap! 7/18! Here I am in Europe, telling everybody they all look the same. Tapos ako, hindi ko ma-identify ang asians!

Jon Limjap

Hey, I got 10/18. Same score as yours torn. :)


Found an interesting site on alllooksame.


Its point is generally "alllookdifferent". Has a nice academic reference to "Northern European" alllooksameness.


Found an interesting site on alllooksame.


Its point is generally "alllookdifferent". Has a nice academic reference to "Northern European" alllooksameness.

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