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March 22, 2009


Sili T

Indeed an interesting read and even more interesting series of events. You hope the media and DOJ pursue this? I'm sure the media will, much as they have with most of the other many scandals. And then it will fade away, much as it has with most of the other many scandals... As for the DOJ, what a mixed bag (Catch-22) that one is. If they do pursue it, then whatever conclusions are drawn will be tainted. If they dont pursue it, see point 1 re: the media.

Glenn M Dumlao

On Dumlao - Journalistic Ethics / Accuracy / Professionalism / Fairness

Will the PRESS, the MEDIA and BLOGGERS kindly be RESPONSIBLE and complete the name of the subject in question?

The COMPLETE NAME of the former Police Senior Superintendent is "GLENN GALAPON DUMLAO". Even simply stating "GLENN G. DUMLAO" would be sufficient to disambiguate the person from others, like myself, who are similarly named.

This ambiguity has caused SEVERE difficulties for me and it has been and still is an absolute nightmare having to live and deal with this-- all the way back from the Kuratong Baleleng case then this, the Dacer/Corbito case.

Frankly, it is as close to libel and character assasination as you can get without really trying-- and that is truly unfair to me.

Thank you for maintaining the high standards of PROFESSIONALISM and FAIRNESS I have come to expect from you through all these years.

Yours truly,

Glenn M Dumlao

kindly refer to the following:


OK Glenn, I added the middle initial at first mention.


'a poisonous mix of Watergate and the Sopranos'.....what an excellently discriptive phrase -- and so apt to boot.

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