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May 22, 2010



This is terrible -- I hope they prosecute these crooked cops.


Torn, Thank you very much for re-blogging my mom's story. I have e-mailed both PNP and Napolcom and their response was not very helpful. The Commission on Human Rights has formed an investigating team to look into the case. My mom would return to Manila this June to pursue administrative and criminal case against them.



I really admire you and your mom for pursuing this case.

About 18 months' ago we had our own brush with the forces of, ahem, law and order when our driver was stabbed.

I blogged about it quite extensively and good argumens were made both for taking action to bring the perpetrator to justice and for walking away.

Although in the end we did not pursue the case (that was our driver's decision) one comment from a friend resonated with me:

I think if we let Benzon get away with what he has done, at least without a fight, then we have no right to complain about the kind of society we live in. Justice is never automatic, it must be fought for. Injustice fills the unwatched spaces when we choose to look away.

Here is the original post


And here is the post with my friend's comment:


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That friend owes my mother some thousands, which my mother decided to collect because she needs money for her medication.

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For m it's embarrassing for them to do it on foreigners.

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