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May 09, 2010



I think a hung parliament was the best possible outcome for British politics. I was hoping for it mainly because the thought of a Tory government was too ghastly to contemplate. Then again, Labour and Gordon Brown remaining in power was also an unbearable thought. So this is the British voters saying, 'We don't trust the lot of you.' Hehehe.

Disappointed by the LibDem results, though. They're the only party that made a stand against the Iraq war, spoken against Labour's fascist squeeze on civil liberties and the only party untainted by the expenses scandal. And yet because of the British electoral system, they can't get beyond being the 3rd wheel! Crazy. Even the Philippines has a (now abused) party-list system as a measure to address unfairness in the electoral architecture. Do you think the LibDems will do a deal with the Tories?

Anyway, on the bright side: 1) Caroline Lucas as the first Green MP. Yay! 2) Tory candidate who prays over gay people to make them straight lost. Scarily, however, Philippa Stroud is apparently an influential policy adviser on social policy within the party. 3) The BNP lost in Barking and Dagenham. Ha-effing-ha. Lost all 12 councillors, too.

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Unbelievable! Never thought it would be possible. They must be starting to renew some program of theirs now.

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